Type: monster Level: 15 HP: 5730 Armor: 907 Magic Armor: 940 Damage: 187-206 MagicDamage: 187-206 |
Possible DropsChampion Trophy (100%)Iron Ore (100%) Tough Leather (100%) Durable Cloth (100%) Glittering Powder (50%) Rengot Cluster Mushroom (40%) Aquamarine of the Warrior (33%) Aquamarine of Agility (33%) Aquamarine of Strength (33%) Aquamarine of Intelligence (33%) Aquamarine of Vitality (33%) Aquamarine of Charm (33%) Aquamarine of the Priest (33%) Rengot Secret Spices (30%) Blue Jewel Fragment (25%) Beycium (8%) Rengot Tribe Transformation Crystal (1%) |