Type: monster Level: 26 HP: 76140 Armor: 10530 Magic Armor: 10530 Damage: 741-819 MagicDamage: 741-819 |
Possible DropsRed Rock Powder (100%)Kaizer’s Claw (100%) Sixth Koboldran Piece (100%) Crassus’ Discolored Horn (100%) Steel Bullion (80%) Sturdy Fabric (80%) Strong Leather (80%) Mad Heart Talisman (80%) Crassus’ Body Fluid (25%) Olivine of the Knight (15%) Olivine of the Scholar (15%) Olivine of the Warrior (11%) Olivine of the Priest (11%) Olivine of Strength (8%) Olivine of Agility (8%) Olivine of Intelligence (8%) Olivine of Vitality (8%) Olivine of Charm (8%) Olivine of the Mercenary (8%) Crassus’ Horn (5%) |