Type: monster Level: 31 HP: 3240 Armor: 1875 Magic Armor: 1943 Damage: 351-388 MagicDamage: 351-388 Possible Location(s):Zone: Rietz Sewer |
Possible DropsCoal Dust (60%)Incomplete Potion (34%) Incomplete Reagent (33%) Incomplete Pill (33%) Amethyst Dust (30%) Kebab (27%) Orange Sherbet (26%) Strong Leather (25%) Deformed Jewel (25%) Salted Lamb (10%) Refreshing Water (10%) Ruby Dust (10%) Smoked Lamb (8%) Cold Milk (8%) Sausage (5%) Nutritious Stew (5%) Beycium (3%) Lv 2 Wound Recovery Potion (1%) Lv 3 Wound Recovery Potion (1%) |
Category Archives: npc
Tunnel Spider
Type: monster Level: 31 HP: 3240 Armor: 3921 Magic Armor: 1943 Damage: 351-388 MagicDamage: 351-388 Possible Location(s):Zone: Rietz Sewer |
Possible DropsCoal Dust (60%)Incomplete Potion (34%) Incomplete Reagent (33%) Incomplete Pill (33%) Amethyst Dust (30%) Kebab (27%) Orange Sherbet (26%) Strong Leather (25%) Deformed Jewel (25%) Salted Lamb (10%) Refreshing Water (10%) Ruby Dust (10%) Smoked Lamb (8%) Cold Milk (8%) Sausage (5%) Nutritious Stew (5%) Beycium (3%) Lv 2 Wound Recovery Potion (1%) Lv 3 Wound Recovery Potion (1%) |
Sewer Bat
Type: monster Level: 32 HP: 3340 Armor: 1936 Magic Armor: 2006 Damage: 359-396 MagicDamage: 359-396 Possible Location(s):Zone: Rietz Sewer |
Possible DropsCoal Dust (60%)Incomplete Potion (34%) Incomplete Reagent (33%) Incomplete Pill (33%) Amethyst Dust (30%) Kebab (27%) Orange Sherbet (26%) Strong Leather (25%) Deformed Jewel (25%) Salted Lamb (10%) Refreshing Water (10%) Ruby Dust (10%) Smoked Lamb (8%) Cold Milk (8%) Sausage (5%) Nutritious Stew (5%) Beycium (3%) Lv 2 Wound Recovery Potion (1%) Lv 3 Wound Recovery Potion (1%) |
Servant of the Chosen
Type: monster Level: 33 HP: 3440 Armor: 4174 Magic Armor: 2069 Damage: 408-451 MagicDamage: 408-451 Possible Location(s):Zone: Rietz Sewer |
Possible DropsCoal Dust (60%)Amethyst Dust (30%) Kebab (27%) Orange Sherbet (26%) Strong Leather (25%) Deformed Jewel (25%) Decayed Jewel (25%) Unidentified Potion (24%) Unidentified Reagent (23%) Unidentified Pill (23%) Salted Lamb (10%) Refreshing Water (10%) Incomplete Reagent (10%) Incomplete Pill (10%) Incomplete Potion (10%) Ruby Dust (10%) Smoked Lamb (8%) Cold Milk (8%) Sausage (5%) Nutritious Stew (5%) Beycium (3%) Lv 2 Wound Recovery Potion (1%) Lv 3 Wound Recovery Potion (1%) |
Type: monster Level: 33 HP: 3440 Armor: 1996 Magic Armor: 2069 Damage: 408-451 MagicDamage: 408-451 Possible Location(s):Zone: Rietz Sewer |
Possible DropsRemains of the Missing (100%)Strange Glittering Thing (100%) Coal Dust (60%) Incomplete Potion (34%) Incomplete Reagent (33%) Incomplete Pill (33%) Amethyst Dust (30%) Deformed Jewel (25%) Julijuli’s Jelly (25%) Ruby Dust (10%) Beycium (3%) |
Informant Raidie
Type: npc Level: 35 HP: 60666 Armor: 4427 Magic Armor: 2194 Damage: 914-1011 MagicDamage: 914-1011 Possible Location(s):Zone: Rietz SewerSub Zone: Center of Rietz Sewer |
Royal Commander
Type: npc Level: 1 HP: 100 Armor: 160 Magic Armor: 89 Damage: 51-56 MagicDamage: 51-56 |
Myconid Spawn
Type: monster Level: 31 HP: 3240 Armor: 1875 Magic Armor: 1943 Damage: 351-388 MagicDamage: 351-388 Possible Location(s):Zone: Rietz Sewer |
Possible DropsCoal Dust (60%)Incomplete Potion (34%) Incomplete Reagent (33%) Incomplete Pill (33%) Amethyst Dust (30%) Kebab (27%) Orange Sherbet (26%) Strong Leather (25%) Deformed Jewel (25%) Longstalk Mushroom (25%) Salted Lamb (10%) Refreshing Water (10%) Ruby Dust (10%) Smoked Lamb (8%) Cold Milk (8%) Sausage (5%) Nutritious Stew (5%) Beycium (3%) Lv 2 Wound Recovery Potion (1%) Lv 3 Wound Recovery Potion (1%) |
Myconid Hatcher
Type: monster Level: 31 HP: 3240 Armor: 1875 Magic Armor: 1943 Damage: 351-388 MagicDamage: 351-388 Possible Location(s):Zone: Rietz Sewer |
Possible DropsCoal Dust (60%)Incomplete Potion (34%) Incomplete Reagent (33%) Incomplete Pill (33%) Amethyst Dust (30%) Kebab (27%) Orange Sherbet (26%) Strong Leather (25%) Deformed Jewel (25%) Longstalk Mushroom (25%) Salted Lamb (10%) Refreshing Water (10%) Ruby Dust (10%) Smoked Lamb (8%) Cold Milk (8%) Sausage (5%) Nutritious Stew (5%) Beycium (3%) Lv 2 Wound Recovery Potion (1%) Lv 3 Wound Recovery Potion (1%) |
Phantom Myconid Minion
Type: monster Level: 31 HP: 2160 Armor: 2796 Magic Armor: 1943 Damage: 351-388 MagicDamage: 351-388 |