Type: monster Level: 30 HP: 77344 Armor: 5520 Magic Armor: 2736 Damage: 965-1066 MagicDamage: 965-1066 Possible Location(s):Zone: RiodeSub Zone: Tempus Lake x |
Possible DropsContaminant (80%)Tainted Gemstone (80%) Steel Bullion (80%) Sturdy Fabric (80%) Strong Leather (80%) Beycium (50%) Fragment of Yillis’ Soul (30%) Yillis’ Harp (25%) Olivine of the Knight (15%) Olivine of the Scholar (15%) Yillis’ Jewel of Life (13%) Yillis’ Jewel of Mana (13%) Yillis’ Jewel of Endurance (13%) Yillis’ Jewel of Madness (13%) Yillis’ Jewel of Chaos (12%) Yillis’ Jewel of Resistance (12%) Yillis’ Jewel of Will (12%) Yillis’ Jewel of Protection (12%) Olivine of Strength (10%) Olivine of Agility (10%) Olivine of Intelligence (10%) Olivine of Vitality (10%) Olivine of Charm (10%) Olivine of the Warrior (7%) Olivine of the Priest (7%) Olivine of the Mercenary (6%) |
Category Archives: npc
Mysterious Girl Lin
Type: npc Level: 1 HP: 100 Armor: 60 Magic Armor: 62 |
Assistant Migellan
Clan: Battle Arena Type: npc Level: 20 HP: 20 Armor: 1100 Magic Armor: 1140 |
Arena Master Runa
Clan: Battle Arena Type: npc Level: 20 HP: 20 Armor: 1100 Magic Armor: 1140 |
Clan: Broken Mast Type: npc Level: 13 HP: 2780 Armor: 852 Magic Armor: 592 |
Type: monster Level: 25 HP: 6120 Armor: 2300 Magic Armor: 1140 Damage: 181-200 MagicDamage: 181-200 |
Ogre Warrior
Type: monster Level: 25 HP: 6120 Armor: 2300 Magic Armor: 1140 Damage: 181-200 MagicDamage: 181-200 |
For Lycian Transformation
Type: npc Level: 35 HP: 56000 Armor: 4025 Magic Armor: 1995 Damage: 642 MagicDamage: 642 |
Ogre Warrior
Type: npc Level: 35 HP: 10700 Armor: 4025 Magic Armor: 1995 Damage: 609-674 MagicDamage: 609-674 |
Troll Warrior
Type: npc Level: 35 HP: 10700 Armor: 4025 Magic Armor: 1995 Damage: 609-674 MagicDamage: 609-674 |