Type: monster Level: 29
HP: 12173 Armor: 1754 Magic Armor: 1818 Damage: 476-527 MagicDamage: 476-527
Possible Location(s):Zone: Riode
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Possible Drops
Wolf Leader’s Bracelet (100%)
Champion Trophy (100%)
Mutated Animal Bone (80%)
Contaminant (50%)
Sturdy Fabric (50%)
Strong Leather (50%)
Diamond of Heat (25%)
Diamond of Light (25%)
Diamond of Meditation (25%)
Ice Shield Diamond (25%)
Diamond of Giants (25%)
Olivine of the Knight (15%)
Olivine of the Scholar (15%)
Olivine of Strength (10%)
Olivine of Agility (10%)
Olivine of Intelligence (10%)
Olivine of Vitality (10%)
Olivine of Charm (10%)
Olivine of the Warrior (7%)
Olivine of the Priest (7%)
Olivine of the Mercenary (6%)
Beycium (5%)