Type: monster Level: 20 HP: 43368 Armor: 2990 Magic Armor: 1482 Damage: 397-438 MagicDamage: 317-350 Possible Location(s):Sub Zone: Catacomb of the Damned |
Possible DropsSteel Fragment (100%)Thick Cloth (100%) Thick Leather (100%) Black Oak Wood (100%) Bloodstone (100%) Pure Magic Water (100%) Manelloth’s Burning Heart (25%) Beycium (20%) Garnet of the Knight (15%) Garnet of the Scholar (15%) Garnet of the Warrior (11%) Garnet of the Priest (11%) Garnet of Strength (8%) Garnet of Agility (8%) Garnet of Intelligence (8%) Garnet of Vitality (8%) Garnet of Charm (8%) Garnet of the Mercenary (8%) |