Type: monster Level: 34
HP: 21776 Armor: 3740 Magic Armor: 3876 Damage: 1111-1228 MagicDamage: 1111-1228 |
Possible Drops
Sorrowful Soul’s Mantle (100%)
Soul Stone of the Judged (100%)
Blood of the Interrogator (85%)
Evidence of Faith (80%)
Kebab (27%)
Orange Sherbet (26%)
Evidence of Deep Faith (25%)
Greatsword of Saint Fhannel (18%)
Mace of Saint Fhannel (16%)
Staff of Saint Fhannel (16%)
Emerald of Knight (15%)
Emerald of Scholar (15%)
Warhammer of Saint Fhannel (15%)
Long Sword of Saint Fhannel (13%)
Beycium (10%)
Emerald of Strength (10%)
Emerald of Agility (10%)
Emerald of Intelligence (10%)
Emerald of Vitality (10%)
Emerald of Charm (10%)
Salted Lamb (10%)
Refreshing Water (10%)
Emerald of Warrior (8%)
Emerald of Priest (8%)
Smoked Lamb (8%)
Cold Milk (8%)
Sausage (5%)
Nutritious Stew (5%)
Shoes of Saint Fhannel (5%)
Emerald of Mercenary (4%)
Shield of Saint Fhannel (4%)
Trousers of Saint Fhannel (4%)
Gloves of Saint Fhannel (3%)
Fermented Beer of Saint Fhannel (2%)
Hat of Saint Fhannel (2%)
Tunic of Saint Fhannel (2%)
Lv 2 Wound Recovery Potion (1%)
Lv 3 Wound Recovery Potion (1%)