NPC NameLevelTypeRarityLocation
Floating Corpse34Monster  
Floating Corpse29Monster  
Floating Ghost33MonsterCommon+
Florist Lencia5Npc  
Flower Shop Owner Flora28Npc  
Food Merchant Aries3Npc  
Food Merchant Nogara3Npc  
For effect1Npc  
For Lycian Transformation35Npc  
Forest Guardian Philip30Npc +
Forsaken Believer29Monster +
Forsaken Believer29Monster  
Forsaken Priest29Monster +
Forsaken Priest29Monster  
Fraudster Dan19Monster  
Freed Soldier12Npc  
Freed Soldier12Npc  
Frenzied Gray Wolf9Monster  
Friday the 13th Supper Npc  
Friday the 13th Supper Npc  
Friendly Nadiya4Npc  
Frostywind Midway Stronghold35MonsterRare 
Frostywind Yeti Mercenary35Npc  
Frostywind Yeti Mercenary35Npc  
Frostywind Yeti Mercenary35Npc  
Frozen Flower1Npc  
Fruit Merchant2Npc  
Fungus' Snack30Npc  
Furniture Merchant Joanne2Npc  
Gadiel Adjudicator Muetel34Monster +
Gadiel Adjudicator Muetel29Monster  
Gadiel Apprentice33Monster  
Gadiel Apprentice33Monster  
Gadiel Apprentice26Monster  
Gadiel Apprentice26Monster  
Gadiel Contact29Monster +
Gadiel Evangelist25Npc  
Gadiel Follower34Monster  
Gadiel Follower34Monster  
Gadiel Follower34Monster  
Gadiel Follower29Monster +
Gadiel Follower29Monster  
Gadiel Follower29Monster  
Gadiel Follower29Monster  
Gadiel Follower29Monster  
Gadiel Gatekeeper34Monster