Type: monster Level: 28 HP: 2944 Armor: 3480 Magic Armor: 2494 Damage: 310-343 MagicDamage: 310-343 Possible Location(s):Zone: Riodex |
Possible DropsDirty Cloth (70%)Contaminant (25%) Tainted Gemstone (25%) Steel Bullion (25%) Riode Spicy Sauce (25%) Olivine of the Knight (15%) Olivine of the Scholar (15%) Olivine of Strength (10%) Olivine of Agility (10%) Olivine of Intelligence (10%) Olivine of Vitality (10%) Olivine of Charm (10%) Olivine of the Warrior (7%) Olivine of the Priest (7%) Olivine of the Mercenary (6%) Beycium (2%) Ghoul Transformation Crystal (0%) |
Tag Archives: guide
Contaminated Boar
Type: monster Level: 26-27 HP: 2749 Armor: 1573 Magic Armor: 1630 Damage: 277-306 MagicDamage: 277-306 Possible Location(s):Zone: Riodex |
Possible DropsContaminated Boar Blood (100%)Mutated Animal Bone (70%) Contaminant (25%) Sturdy Fabric (25%) Strong Leather (25%) Boar Skin (25%) Olivine of the Knight (15%) Olivine of the Scholar (15%) Olivine of Strength (10%) Olivine of Agility (10%) Olivine of Intelligence (10%) Olivine of Vitality (10%) Olivine of Charm (10%) Olivine of the Warrior (7%) Olivine of the Priest (7%) Olivine of the Mercenary (6%) Beycium (2%) |
Contaminated Wolf
Type: monster Level: 26-27 HP: 2749 Armor: 1573 Magic Armor: 1630 Damage: 277-306 MagicDamage: 277-306 Possible Location(s):Zone: Riodex |
Possible DropsWolf’s Fang (100%)Contaminated Wolf Blood (100%) Mutated Animal Bone (70%) Contaminant (25%) Sturdy Fabric (25%) Strong Leather (25%) Olivine of the Knight (15%) Olivine of the Scholar (15%) Olivine of Strength (10%) Olivine of Agility (10%) Olivine of Intelligence (10%) Olivine of Vitality (10%) Olivine of Charm (10%) Olivine of the Warrior (7%) Olivine of the Priest (7%) Olivine of the Mercenary (6%) Beycium (2%) |
Contaminated Ebose
Type: monster Level: 29 HP: 3043 Armor: 1754 Magic Armor: 1818 Damage: 317-350 MagicDamage: 317-350 Possible Location(s):Zone: Riodex |
Possible DropsLake Sand (70%)Traces of Chaos (25%) Contaminant (25%) Sturdy Fabric (25%) Strong Leather (25%) Olivine of the Knight (15%) Olivine of the Scholar (15%) Olivine of Strength (10%) Olivine of Agility (10%) Olivine of Intelligence (10%) Olivine of Vitality (10%) Olivine of Charm (10%) Olivine of the Warrior (7%) Olivine of the Priest (7%) Olivine of the Mercenary (6%) Beycium (2%) |
Contaminated Ebose
Type: monster Level: 29 HP: 3043 Armor: 1754 Magic Armor: 1818 Damage: 317-350 MagicDamage: 317-350 Possible Location(s):Zone: Riodex |
Possible DropsLake Sand (70%)Traces of Chaos (25%) Contaminant (25%) Sturdy Fabric (25%) Strong Leather (25%) Olivine of the Knight (15%) Olivine of the Scholar (15%) Olivine of Strength (10%) Olivine of Agility (10%) Olivine of Intelligence (10%) Olivine of Vitality (10%) Olivine of Charm (10%) Olivine of the Warrior (7%) Olivine of the Priest (7%) Olivine of the Mercenary (6%) Beycium (2%) |
Contaminated Shield Crab
Type: monster Level: 29 HP: 3043 Armor: 3668 Magic Armor: 1818 Damage: 317-350 MagicDamage: 317-350 Possible Location(s):Zone: Riodex |
Possible DropsLake Sand (70%)Traces of Chaos (25%) Contaminant (25%) Sturdy Fabric (25%) Strong Leather (25%) Olivine of the Knight (15%) Olivine of the Scholar (15%) Olivine of Strength (10%) Olivine of Agility (10%) Olivine of Intelligence (10%) Olivine of Vitality (10%) Olivine of Charm (10%) Olivine of the Warrior (7%) Olivine of the Priest (7%) Olivine of the Mercenary (6%) Beycium (2%) |
Contaminated Wolf Leader
Type: monster Level: 29 HP: 12173 Armor: 1754 Magic Armor: 1818 Damage: 476-527 MagicDamage: 476-527 Possible Location(s):Zone: Riodex |
Possible DropsWolf Leader’s Bracelet (100%)Champion Trophy (100%) Mutated Animal Bone (80%) Contaminant (50%) Sturdy Fabric (50%) Strong Leather (50%) Diamond of Heat (25%) Diamond of Light (25%) Diamond of Meditation (25%) Ice Shield Diamond (25%) Diamond of Giants (25%) Olivine of the Knight (15%) Olivine of the Scholar (15%) Olivine of Strength (10%) Olivine of Agility (10%) Olivine of Intelligence (10%) Olivine of Vitality (10%) Olivine of Charm (10%) Olivine of the Warrior (7%) Olivine of the Priest (7%) Olivine of the Mercenary (6%) Beycium (5%) |
Contaminated Boar Leader
Type: monster Level: 29 HP: 12173 Armor: 1754 Magic Armor: 1818 Damage: 476-527 MagicDamage: 476-527 Possible Location(s):Zone: Riodex |
Possible DropsChampion Trophy (100%)Boar Leader’s Bracelet (100%) Mutated Animal Bone (80%) Contaminant (50%) Sturdy Fabric (50%) Strong Leather (50%) Boar Skin (25%) Diamond of Heat (25%) Diamond of Light (25%) Diamond of Meditation (25%) Ice Shield Diamond (25%) Diamond of Giants (25%) Olivine of the Knight (15%) Olivine of the Scholar (15%) Olivine of Strength (10%) Olivine of Agility (10%) Olivine of Intelligence (10%) Olivine of Vitality (10%) Olivine of Charm (10%) Olivine of the Warrior (7%) Olivine of the Priest (7%) Olivine of the Mercenary (6%) Beycium (5%) |
Scout Captain Cocoki
Clan: Mad Heart Clan Type: monster Level: 28 HP: 11778 Armor: 4897 Magic Armor: 1755 Damage: 465-514 MagicDamage: 465-514 Possible Location(s):Zone: Riodex |
Possible DropsChampion Trophy (100%)Contaminated Holy Water (100%) Lake Sand (80%) Contaminant (50%) Steel Bullion (50%) Olivine of the Knight (15%) Olivine of the Scholar (15%) Olivine of Strength (10%) Olivine of Agility (10%) Olivine of Intelligence (10%) Olivine of Vitality (10%) Olivine of Charm (10%) Olivine of the Warrior (7%) Olivine of the Priest (7%) Olivine of the Mercenary (6%) Beycium (5%) |
Contaminated Fisherman
Type: monster Level: 28 HP: 2944 Armor: 2525 Magic Armor: 1755 Damage: 310-343 MagicDamage: 310-343 Possible Location(s):Zone: Riodex |
Possible DropsContaminant (25%)Tainted Gemstone (25%) Steel Bullion (25%) Riode Spicy Sauce (25%) Olivine of the Knight (15%) Olivine of the Scholar (15%) Olivine of Strength (10%) Olivine of Agility (10%) Olivine of Intelligence (10%) Olivine of Vitality (10%) Olivine of Charm (10%) Olivine of the Warrior (7%) Olivine of the Priest (7%) Olivine of the Mercenary (6%) Beycium (2%) Ghoul Transformation Crystal (0%) |