Type: monster Level: 26-27 HP: 2749 Armor: 1573 Magic Armor: 1630 Damage: 277-306 MagicDamage: 277-306 Possible Location(s):Zone: Riodex |
Possible DropsContaminated Boar Blood (100%)Mutated Animal Bone (70%) Contaminant (25%) Sturdy Fabric (25%) Strong Leather (25%) Boar Skin (25%) Olivine of the Knight (15%) Olivine of the Scholar (15%) Olivine of Strength (10%) Olivine of Agility (10%) Olivine of Intelligence (10%) Olivine of Vitality (10%) Olivine of Charm (10%) Olivine of the Warrior (7%) Olivine of the Priest (7%) Olivine of the Mercenary (6%) Beycium (2%) |
Tag Archives: guide
Contaminated Wolf
Type: monster Level: 26-27 HP: 2749 Armor: 1573 Magic Armor: 1630 Damage: 277-306 MagicDamage: 277-306 Possible Location(s):Zone: Riodex |
Possible DropsWolf’s Fang (100%)Contaminated Wolf Blood (100%) Mutated Animal Bone (70%) Contaminant (25%) Sturdy Fabric (25%) Strong Leather (25%) Olivine of the Knight (15%) Olivine of the Scholar (15%) Olivine of Strength (10%) Olivine of Agility (10%) Olivine of Intelligence (10%) Olivine of Vitality (10%) Olivine of Charm (10%) Olivine of the Warrior (7%) Olivine of the Priest (7%) Olivine of the Mercenary (6%) Beycium (2%) |
Contaminated Ebose
Type: monster Level: 29 HP: 3043 Armor: 1754 Magic Armor: 1818 Damage: 317-350 MagicDamage: 317-350 Possible Location(s):Zone: Riodex |
Possible DropsLake Sand (70%)Traces of Chaos (25%) Contaminant (25%) Sturdy Fabric (25%) Strong Leather (25%) Olivine of the Knight (15%) Olivine of the Scholar (15%) Olivine of Strength (10%) Olivine of Agility (10%) Olivine of Intelligence (10%) Olivine of Vitality (10%) Olivine of Charm (10%) Olivine of the Warrior (7%) Olivine of the Priest (7%) Olivine of the Mercenary (6%) Beycium (2%) |
Mad Heart Warrior
Clan: Mad Heart Clan Type: monster Level: 23 HP: 1500 Armor: 2175 Magic Armor: 2049 Damage: 193-214 MagicDamage: 193-214 |
Rum Barrel
Type: npc |
Makot Magician Corpse
Clan: #마코트 부족 Type: monster Level: 23 HP: 2457 Armor: 1391 Magic Armor: 1442 Damage: 242-267 MagicDamage: 242-267 |
Makot Warrior Corpse
Clan: #마코트 부족 Type: monster Level: 23 HP: 2457 Armor: 2858 Magic Armor: 2049 Damage: 242-267 MagicDamage: 242-267 |
Violent Deer
Type: monster Level: 26-27 HP: 2749 Armor: 1573 Magic Armor: 1630 Damage: 277-306 MagicDamage: 277-306 Possible Location(s):Zone: Riodex |
Possible DropsMutated Animal Bone (70%)Wild Red Blood (60%) Sturdy Fabric (25%) Strong Leather (25%) Venison (25%) Olivine of the Knight (15%) Olivine of the Scholar (15%) Contaminant (10%) Olivine of Strength (10%) Olivine of Agility (10%) Olivine of Intelligence (10%) Olivine of Vitality (10%) Olivine of Charm (10%) Olivine of the Warrior (7%) Olivine of the Priest (7%) Olivine of the Mercenary (6%) Beycium (2%) |
Raging Brown Bear
Type: monster Level: 26-27 HP: 2749 Armor: 1573 Magic Armor: 1630 Damage: 277-306 MagicDamage: 277-306 Possible Location(s):Zone: Riodex |
Possible DropsMutated Animal Bone (70%)Wild Red Blood (60%) Sturdy Fabric (25%) Strong Leather (25%) Brown Bear Paw (25%) Olivine of the Knight (15%) Olivine of the Scholar (15%) Contaminant (10%) Olivine of Strength (10%) Olivine of Agility (10%) Olivine of Intelligence (10%) Olivine of Vitality (10%) Olivine of Charm (10%) Olivine of the Warrior (7%) Olivine of the Priest (7%) Olivine of the Mercenary (6%) Beycium (2%) |
Contaminated Pumpkin
Type: monster Level: 26-27 HP: 2749 Armor: 1573 Magic Armor: 1630 Damage: 277-306 MagicDamage: 277-306 Possible Location(s):Zone: Riodex |
Possible DropsPumpkin Frog (70%)Large Pumpkin (50%) Maple Wood (25%) Olivine of the Knight (15%) Olivine of the Scholar (15%) Contaminant (10%) Olivine of Strength (10%) Olivine of Agility (10%) Olivine of Intelligence (10%) Olivine of Vitality (10%) Olivine of Charm (10%) Olivine of the Warrior (7%) Olivine of the Priest (7%) Olivine of the Mercenary (6%) Beycium (2%) |