Type: monster Level: 29 HP: 74912 Armor: 5336 Magic Armor: 2644 Damage: 889-982 MagicDamage: 889-982 Possible Location(s):Zone: RiodeSub Zone: Zygniv’s Discovery x |
Possible DropsTraces of Chaos (100%)Contaminant (100%) Zygniv’s Hide (80%) Fragment of Zygniv’s Left Shackle (50%) Fragment of Zygniv’s Right Shackle (50%) Beycium (50%) Zygniv’s Tough Flesh (35%) Olivine of the Knight (15%) Olivine of the Scholar (15%) Olivine of Strength (10%) Olivine of Agility (10%) Olivine of Intelligence (10%) Olivine of Vitality (10%) Olivine of Charm (10%) Olivine of the Warrior (7%) Olivine of the Priest (7%) Olivine of the Mercenary (6%) |