Wind from Mt. Eda

arrow Description

Adjunct Theo’s best guess is that the Kobold Gatherers came to collect Red Gypsophila because they were asked to do so by the Ogres and Trolls from Mt. Eda.
Captain Reon worries about Rietz because the Grand Wall of Silence is under siege. If there is unrest on Mt. Eda as well, Rietz will no longer be safe.
Travel to Rietz and ask Teleporter Kate to send you to Epic Mt. Eda. Once you are there, speak to the Mercenary Recruiter.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Travel to Rietz
  2. Meet with the Mercenary Recruiter
    Starts in Rietz
    zone map
    quest icon
    Ends in Mt. Eda
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Grand Wall of Silence
arrow r Quest Level 34
arrow r Quest Type Supplement

Minimum level: 34



  • Money: 23c

Find the Antibiotic

arrow Description

Hayden is concerned about the soldiers slowly falling victim to the contamination. He is hopeful that the Red Gypsophila, a known antibiotic, can prevent further spreading of the contamination. The Red Gypsophila only blooms under specific conditions. Hayden advises you to search during the day.

Collect six Red Gypsophilas for Hayden.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Red Gypsophila (Collect 6x Red Gypsophila)
arrow r Category Grand Wall of Silence
arrow r Quest Level 33
arrow r Quest Type Main

Minimum level: 30



  • Money: 55s 42c
  • Experience: 8000

Roll Up Your Sleeves

arrow Description

Hayden has extracted Red Gypsophila Oil and created a magic vaccine by mixing it with holy water.

He says using the magic vaccine on uncontaminated soldiers may prevent any further contamination.

Use the Red Magic Stick on six Lion Mane Corps Soldiers.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Vaccinate Soldiers (Interact with 7x Lion Mane Corps Soldier)
arrow r Category Grand Wall of Silence
arrow r Quest Level 33
arrow r Quest Type Main

Finished quest: Find the Antibiotic



  • Money: 55s 42c
  • Experience: 8000

To the Grand Wall of Silence

arrow Description

Capital Guard Vice Captain Tirion says the Grand Wall of Silence is under attack by unknown beings and requests your assistance.
Meet with Captain Reon of the Lion Mane Corps at the Grand Wall of Silence.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Speak to Captain Reon
    Starts in Rits Underground Waterway
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Grand Wall of Silence
arrow r Quest Level 25
arrow r Quest Type Main

Finished quest: The Truth Is…



  • Money: 13s 85c
  • Experience: 2000