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IconItem NameLevelSlotType
Ring of Hermit   
Ripe Peach   
Roaming Mana   
Rotting Corpse Sample   
Rotting Heart   
Rune of Sealing   
Safe Key   
Sahin's Supply Package   
Santiago's Fishing Rod   
Scales of Imbalance Slate   
Scout's Badge   
Sealed Lightning Stone   
Secret Document   
Senes' Trap Tool   
Shield Crab Meat   
Shunack Specimen   
Skeleton Warrior Bone   
Slate of the Moon Rubbing   
Slate of the Sun Rubbing   
Slush Bug   
Small Lump of Rock Salt   
Smooth Rock   
Soil Sample    
Solid Fuel   
Soul Jewel   
Sour Juice   
Southern Watch Tower Report   
Spirit Tablet   
Spirit Tablet Materials   
Staff of Purification   
Standard Fabric   
Sticky Resin   
Stolen Goods   
Stolen Supplies   
Stone of Purification   
Stone Piece of Ceremony   
Stove Fuel   
Strange Dagger   
Strange Dagger   
Strange Glittering Thing   
Suspicious Ankle Bracelet   
Suspicious Letter   
Suspicious Potion   
Sweet Juice   
Third Koboldran Piece   
Torren's Locket   
Tough Vine   
Traces of the Scouts   
Tribal Food