Tell Everyone the Truth

arrow Description

Capital Guard Vice Captain Tirion lost Marini and failed to topple the Chosen Ones, but has written a report of all that has taken place so far.
Take the report to Head Priest Vardi, Royal Alchemist Teros, and First Consul Korinst.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Speak to Royal Alchemist Teros
    Starts in Rits Underground Waterway
    zone map
    quest icon
  2. Speak to Head Priest Vardi
    Starts in Rits Underground Waterway
    zone map
    quest icon
    Ends in Rietz
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Rietz Sewer
arrow r Quest Level 25
arrow r Quest Type Main

Finished quest: The Truth Is…



  • Money: 13s 63c
  • Experience: 2000

The Lost Gauge

arrow Description

Waterworks Bureau employee Elizabeth says she ended up at the Refugee Shelter after being separated from her colleagues. She lost the gauge she uses to check the quality of the water in the sewer.
Find the Contaminant Gauge Elizabeth lost somewhere in the sewer.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Find the Contaminant Gauge (Collect 1x Contaminant Gauge)
    Starts in Rits Underground Waterway
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Rietz Sewer
arrow r Quest Level 25
arrow r Quest Type Supplement

Finished quest: Find My Treasure



  • Money: 77s 9c
  • Experience: 11500

Capital Security

arrow Description

First Consul Korinst senses unrest and worries about Rietz’s security. Capital Guard Adjunct Lilia is in charge of the city’s defense. Go and help her.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Speak to Capital Guard Adjunct Lilia
    Starts in Rietz
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Rietz
arrow r Quest Level 25
arrow r Quest Type Supplement

Minimum level: 30



  • Money: 13s 16c
  • Experience: 2000

Suspicious Movements

arrow Description

The capital is teeming with refugees and Rietz’s security is in jeopardy. The Capital Guards are shorthanded and unable to investigate the sightings of certain suspicious people.
Help Capital Guard Adjunct Lilia eliminate any threats in the eastern section of Rietz.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Kill Assassin Kale (Destroy 1x Assassin Kale)
    Starts in Rietz
    zone map
    quest icon
  2. Kill Assassin Nidal (Destroy 1x Assassin Nidal)
    Starts in Rietz
    zone map
    quest icon
  3. Kill Assassin Riam (Destroy 1x Assassin Riam)
    Starts in Rietz
    zone map
    quest icon
  4. Kill Assassin Jude (Destroy 1x Assassin Jude)
    Starts in Rietz
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Rietz
arrow r Quest Level 25
arrow r Quest Type Supplement

Finished quest: Capital Security



  • Money: 72s 42c
  • Experience: 11000

Regaining Their Trust

arrow Description

Rumors are spreading that the plague that devastated Riode will soon hit Rietz. Failure to convince Rietz’s citizens otherwise may result in a riot.
First Consul Korinst says that only you, the savior of Riode, can calm them down. Talk to the anxious citizens in the square and reassure them.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Speak to Citizen Representative Lyndro
    Starts in Rietz
    zone map
    quest icon
  2. Speak to Citizen Jonan
    Starts in Rietz
    zone map
    quest icon
  3. Speak to Pallamis
    Starts in Rietz
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Rietz
arrow r Quest Level 25
arrow r Quest Type Supplement

Minimum level: 30



  • Money: 13s 16c
  • Experience: 2000

Traitor Marions

arrow Description

The sewer is in chaos and the Marions are rebelling against the Rendel Kingdom. Parin says the rebel Marions’ actions are putting the refugee shelter in danger.
Eliminate the Marion Robbers in the Marion territory to keep the refugees safe.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Kill Marion Robbers (Destroy 5x Marion Robber)
    Starts in Rits Underground Waterway
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Rietz Sewer
arrow r Quest Level 25
arrow r Quest Type Supplement

Finished quest: Problem in the Sewer



  • Money: 72s 42c
  • Experience: 11000

Changed Marions

arrow Description

The rebelling Marions are mutating due to the contamination. The mutation has made them larger and more fearsome, and they are nothing like their former selves.
Parin is worried that they might attack the Refugee Shelter. Eliminate the Marion Mutants to keep the refugees safe.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Kill Marion Mutants (Destroy 5x Marion Mutant)
    Starts in Rits Underground Waterway
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Rietz Sewer
arrow r Quest Level 25
arrow r Quest Type Supplement

Finished quest: Traitor Marions



  • Money: 72s 42c
  • Experience: 11000

Underground Monster: Giant Marion

arrow Description

The Giant Marion is a grotesque Marion mutant who lives in the eastern depths of the sewer. Refugee Representative Markus fears that this giant may harm the refugees.
Eliminate the Giant Marion to keep the refugees safe.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Eliminate the Giant Marion (Destroy 1x Giant Marion)
    Starts in Rits Underground Waterway
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Rietz Sewer
arrow r Quest Level 25
arrow r Quest Type Supplement

Finished quest: Traitor Marions



  • Money: 72s 42c
  • Experience: 11000

Where Are the Missing?

arrow Description

The chaos in the sewer has scattered the refugees, with many going missing. Refugee Representative Markus is distraught that most of the missing have mutated or died from the contamination.
To allow their souls to rest in peace, eliminate the walking corpses of the missing citizens and guards.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Kill Skeletal Citizens (Destroy 5x Skeletal Citizen)
    Starts in Rits Underground Waterway
    zone map
    quest icon
  2. Kill Skeletal Guards (Destroy 5x Skeletal Guard)
    Starts in Rits Underground Waterway
    zone map
    quest icon
  3. Kill Decayed Citizens (Destroy 5x Decayed Citizen)
    Starts in Rits Underground Waterway
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Rietz Sewer
arrow r Quest Level 25
arrow r Quest Type Supplement

Finished quest: Suspicious Traces



  • Money: 72s 42c
  • Experience: 11000

Slime Monsters

arrow Description

Refugee Representative Markus witnessed a rotting corpse transforming into a giant, slimy creature. These creatures are multiplying as the contamination spreads through the Rietz Sewer.
Hunt the Julijulis in the sewer and take the Remains of the Missing to Refugee Representative Markus.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Collect the Remains of the Missing (Collect 5x Remains of the Missing)
    Starts in Rits Underground Waterway
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Rietz Sewer
arrow r Quest Level 25
arrow r Quest Type Supplement

Finished quest: Suspicious Traces



  • Money: 72s 42c
  • Experience: 11000