Stubborn as a Mule

arrow Description

Chris wishes to persuade her older brother McDonnell to leave for Ingen with her. Go to the Teleport Stone Dig Site and deliver Chris‘s message to Blacksmith McDonnell in the south tent.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Find Blacksmith McDonnell
    Starts in Teress Plain
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Teress Plain
arrow r Quest Level 9
arrow r Quest Type Main

Finished quest: Hunter in a Field of Reeds



  • Money: 1s 14c
  • Experience: 330

Tian’s Calling

arrow Description

Tian feels threatened by Moken and his pirates, who betrayed her after a peace accord was established with Ingen. Morten Gear is in danger and as its commander, Tian is recruiting mercenaries. Talk to Tian’s mercenary recruiter, Adjunct Montreal.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Find Adjunct Montreal
    Starts in Broken Mast
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Broken Mast
arrow r Quest Level 1



  • Money: 25c
  • Experience: 900

[Repeat] [Party] Fleetfoot Hunt

arrow Description

Mirage says the wolf pack has a leader, a powerful beast that has become infamous in Teress Plain. Known to the people as Fleetfoot, he’s shrewd enough to avoid traps and is incredibly bloodthirsty. Mirage will reward you well if you can eliminate Fleetfoot the alpha wolf.
(Fleetfoot is an Epic Monster. A party of 2 or more is recommended.)

arrow Objectives:

  1. Talk to Mirage to go to Fleetfoot’s Lair
    Starts in Teress Plain
    zone map
    quest icon
    Ends in Teress Plain
    zone map
    quest icon
  2. Eliminate Fleetfoot the Alpha Wolf (Destroy 1x Fleetfoot)
    Starts in Teress Plain
    zone map
    quest icon
    Ends in Teress Plain
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Teress Plain
arrow r Quest Level 8
arrow r Quest Type Repeat

Finished quest: [Party] Alpha Wolf



  • Money: 75c

A Talented Mercenary

arrow Description

Adjunct Montreal said that Tian considers a person’s actions more important than their words. To show your ability, eliminate six of Moken’s Lizard Man Mercenaries, who are wandering around near Adjunct Montreal. Then go to Morten Gear and report to Tian.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Kill Lizard Man Mercenaries (Destroy 6x Lizard Man Mercenary)
    Starts in Broken Mast
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Broken Mast
arrow r Quest Level 1



What’s Needed Now?

arrow Description

Randy’s family hasn’t been able to sleep at night because of all the mosquitoes. He wants you to collect 5 Moss Spider Poison Glands so he can make a mosquito repellent. Head north of Randy’s carriage and collect the poison glands from the Moss Spiders there.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Collect Moss Spider Poison Glands (Collect 4x Moss Spider Poison Gland)
    Starts in Teress Plain
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Teress Plain
arrow r Quest Level 8
arrow r Quest Type Main

Finished quest: Quick Cash
Minimum level: 7



Fearsome Wolves

arrow Description

The howling of the wolves is making Chris fearful for her family’s safety. Kill 10 Gray Wolves east of Randy’s carriage so that the travelers can sleep soundly.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Eliminate Gray Wolves (Destroy 7x Gray Wolf)
    Starts in Teress Plain
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Teress Plain
arrow r Quest Level 8
arrow r Quest Type Supplement

Finished quest: Quick Cash



Something She Wants Back

arrow Description

Randy says his wife Chris wants her brother Dassau to return the collection of poems she lent him. Go to Dassau and tell him to return the poem collection Hunter in a Field of Reeds.
Dassau is in front of the house northeast of Randy and Chris’ wagon.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Talk to Dassau
    Starts in Teress Plain
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Teress Plain
arrow r Quest Level 8
arrow r Quest Type Main

Finished quest: What’s Needed Now?



  • Money: 97c
  • Experience: 300

The Giving Tree

arrow Description

In return for telling you where Jales is, Noel asks you to help him eliminate the spiders in the forest. To drive them all out of the forest, you must smoke them out. Collect 10 pieces of Firewood in the forest.
You can also get Firewood from the Tree Spirits of the forest.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Gather Firewood (Collect 30x Firewood)
    Starts in Teress Plain
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Teress Plain
arrow r Quest Level 11
arrow r Quest Type Main

Finished quest: Jales’ Whereabouts



The Lumberjack and the Tree Spirits

arrow Description

Noel is concerned about the recent attacks by Tree Spirits on everyone who enters the forest.
Go to the Tranquil Forest and eliminate 15 Tree Spirits. When you’re done, report back to Noel.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Eliminate Tree Spirits (Destroy 11x Corrupt Tree Spirit, Chaotic Tree Spirit)
    Starts in Teress Plain
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Teress Plain
arrow r Quest Level 11
arrow r Quest Type Supplement

Finished quest: Jales’ Whereabouts



  • Money: 12s 33c
  • Experience: 3200

Smoke in the Air

arrow Description

To help Noel get rid of the Giant Moss Spiders, light the bonfires set up in various locations in the Tranquil Forest.
Once the forest is filled with smoke, the spiders will be weakened. Eliminate the Weakened Moss Spiders so Noel will tell you more about Jales.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Light the Eastern Bonfire (Interact with 1x Noel’s Bonfire)
    Starts in Teress Plain
    zone map
    quest icon
  2. Light the Western Bonfire (Interact with 1x Noel’s Bonfire)
    Starts in Teress Plain
    zone map
    quest icon
  3. Light the Southern Bonfire (Interact with 1x Noel’s Bonfire)
    Starts in Teress Plain
    zone map
    quest icon
  4. Light the Northern Bonfire (Interact with 1x Noel’s Bonfire)
    Starts in Teress Plain
    zone map
    quest icon
  5. Eliminate Weakened Moss Spiders (Destroy 20x Weakened Moss Spider)
    Starts in Teress Plain
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Teress Plain
arrow r Quest Level 11
arrow r Quest Type Main

Finished quest: The Giving Tree

