Consumption Ceremony

arrow Description

In order to release Aigent Trier’s soul from the dagger, you must first remove the curse that surrounds it.
Go to the area surrounding the entrance to the Catacomb of the Damned, and transfer the dark energy in the dagger to each of the four strange tombstones.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Use the Dagger on the First Tombstone (Interact with 1x Rib Pattern Tombstone)
    Starts in Hero’s Lane
    zone map
    quest icon
  2. Use the Dagger on the Second Tombstone (Interact with 1x Finger Bone Pattern Tombstone)
    Starts in Hero’s Lane
    zone map
    quest icon
  3. Use the Dagger on the Third Tombstone (Interact with 1x Shin Bone Pattern Tombstone)
    Starts in Hero’s Lane
    zone map
    quest icon
  4. Use the Dagger on the Fourth Tombstone (Interact with 1x Burning Heart Pattern Tombstone)
    Starts in Hero’s Lane
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Hero’s Lane
arrow r Quest Level 16



  • Money: 23s 58c
  • Experience: 5000

Beyond One’s Means

arrow Description

You managed to remove the curse on the dagger, but you cannot release Aigent’s soul.
Eugene believes that Lunatic Sorcerer Ur, who is at Sachin’s Cabin near the Cemetery, can help you release the soul.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Speak to Lunatic Sorcerer Ur
    Starts in Hero’s Lane
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Hero’s Lane
arrow r Quest Level 16



  • Money: 2s 35c
  • Experience: 500

Test Samples

arrow Description

Apprentice Sorcerer Bauki wishes to know more about the magic that has reanimated so many nearby corpses.
Hunt down the Rotting Corpses and Plague-Ridden Corpses that are roaming around in the Cemetery and collect five samples from each.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Collect Rotting Corpse Samples (Collect 5x Rotting Corpse Sample)
    Starts in Hero’s Lane
    zone map
    quest icon
  2. Collect Plague-Ridden Corpse Samples (Collect 5x Plague-Ridden Corpse Sample)
    Starts in Hero’s Lane
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Hero’s Lane
arrow r Quest Level 16



  • Money: 23s 58c
  • Experience: 5000

Aigent Trier

arrow Description

Freed from imprisonment inside the dagger, Aigent Trier says the proliferation of the undead in the area is caused by the resurrection of an ancient evil known as Manelloth.
Aigent Trier also says a holy sword is needed to strike down Manelloth and that Lunatic Alchemist Sachin, who is at the Cemetery, knows how such a sword can be crafted. Pay Sachin a visit.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Speak to Lunatic Alchemist Sachin
    Starts in Hero’s Lane
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Hero’s Lane
arrow r Quest Level 16



  • Money: 2s 35c
  • Experience: 500

Collecting Specimens

arrow Description

Dr. Heronne needs samples of contaminated flesh for her research. Collect samples from Shunack’s Corpse and the Mad Heart Kobolds and bring them to Dr. Heronne.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Collect a Sample from Shunack’s Head (Collect 1x Shunack Specimen)
    Starts in Makot Village
    zone map
    quest icon
  2. Collect Mad Heart Clan Specimens (Collect 3x Mad Heart Clan Specimen)
    Starts in Makot Village
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Makot Village
arrow r Quest Level 25



  • Money: 46s 80c
  • Experience: 8000

Keep the Fire Going

arrow Description

Kobinub is trying to keep the fire in the furnace alive but he doesn’t have enough fuel. The carriage that was attacked by the Mad Heart Tribe while Kobinub was traveling has plenty of solid fuel.

Collect the scattered Solid Fuel and take it to Kobinub.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Acquire the Solid Fuel (Collect 5x Solid Fuel)
    Starts in Mt. Eda
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Makot Village
arrow r Quest Level 25
arrow r Quest Type Repeat



  • Money: 23s 92c
  • Experience: 4000

What Next?

arrow Description

After examining the samples, Dr. Heronne informed you that Shunack’s contaminated corpse is having a drastic impact on the surrounding area. First and foremost, the corpse has to be removed in order to stop the contamination from spreading any farther.
Go to the waterfall at the cave mouth and get rid of Shunack’s Corpse.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Attack Shunack’s Wings
    Starts in Makot Village
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Makot Village
arrow r Quest Level 25



  • Money: 47s 85c
  • Experience: 8000

All That Glitters

arrow Description

You found the Fifth Koboldran Piece on Shunack’s Corpse. If you take it to Urekus, you might be able to read the rest of the Koboldran.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Deliver the Fifth Koboldran Piece to Urekus (Collect 1x Fifth Koboldran Piece)
    Starts in Makot Village
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Makot Village
arrow r Quest Level 25



  • Money: 5s 98c
  • Experience: 1000

Flame of Magic

arrow Description

Urekus says the Flame of Magic is required to combine the Koboldran fragments. Pink diamonds and red sapphires are required to create the Flame of Magic.
Red Sapphires can be acquired from Makot Jewel Appraisers, but you’ll have to defeat Mad Heart Jewel Appraisers for their Pink Diamonds. Then, go to Kobinub to create the Flame of Magic. Kobinub can be found on the road leading to Riode from Mt. Eda.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Acquire Pink Diamonds (Collect 6x Pink Diamond)
    Starts in Makot Village
    zone map
    quest icon
  2. Acquire Red Sapphires (Collect 3x Red Sapphire)
    Starts in Makot Village
    zone map
    quest icon
  3. Find Kobinub
    Starts in Makot Village
    zone map
    quest icon
    Ends in Mt. Eda
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Makot Village
arrow r Quest Level 26



  • Money: 53s 83c
  • Experience: 9000

Special Hammer

arrow Description

The Kobold blacksmith Kobinub says the hammer he needs to combine the Koboldran fragments has been stolen by Royal Guard Macski.
Macski should still be in the vicinity. Locate him and retrieve the Hammer.

arrow Objectives:

  1. Kobinub’s Hammer (Collect 1x Kobinub’s Hammer)
    Starts in Mt. Eda
    zone map
    quest icon
arrow r Category Makot Village
arrow r Quest Level 26



  • Money: 47s 85c
  • Experience: 8000